Mercedes Driving School has compiled a list of driving links below.

External Driver Related Links

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Local Businesses To Consider

Mercedes Driving School does business with many prestigious business and organizations within the New York City area.

If you are a local business in Bayside or the New York City area in general, please contact us to inquire about placing a very affordable ad link on this page.
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Buying a new car and need it’s crash safety?

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Need a Driver’s Manual?

Please stop by our convenient Bayside location and pick one up! We have it in Spanish too! You can read it or download it here. You need Adobe Reader to open the documents.

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Need a Motorcycle Manual?

You can read it here.

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Have any questions on infant and/or child passenger safety?

Read it here in:

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Wearing your seat belt is the law!

Do you have any questions on seat belts in general?